Corona Virus Resources:
Medical Facts and Preparedness Medical facts regarding the coronavirus with practical guidelines for prevention and preparedness.
Covid-19 How then Shall We Stand? Perspectives and prayer points
COVID-19: The Divine Pause for the Divine Edit
CV: The Divine Pause Part II; the Response, an End-time Perspective
NEW! CV: The Second Wave is Upon Us
NEW! "The Reset:" Covid-19 in a "Set Time"
NEW! CV: The Love Encounter and Divine Re-order
Corona Virus Word: The Wrestling of God has Begun

As the world is facing the epidemic of the Coronavirus, what is God saying in the midst? In reviewing the plethora of news, articles, spread of the virus, data, it is evident that we are facing a significant challenge. We extend our sympathies and compassion to those struggling with the infection or have had family members touched by it. However, there is a message coming through the onslaught.
In reviewing articles and listening to the news, there is evidence of an enemy force behind this epidemic creating a whirlwind of fear, misinformation, and confusion along with the devastation of the virus. In the midst of the confusion, however, God is saying "Fear Me." The enemy is causing havoc, but God is using it to awaken the global army and beckoning us to a new stance and encounter with Him. Could this be the gate of contention before the global harvest and revival we all sense is coming?
In praying into the situation, I distinctly sensed the Lord say, "The wrestling of God has begun." What does that mean? Does God wrestle with us? Yes! What does it look like? The context comes from Genesis 32:24-29. At a significant gate, going back to take hold of his inheritance, Jacob had an encounter with the Lord. "A Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day," Gen 32:24. When the Man (God) saw how Jacob did not give up He touched Jacob's hip so that his hip was out of joint as they wrestled. Jacob finally declared, "I will not let you go unless You bless me!" Gen 33:26. The Man then blessed Jacob saying, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel (יִשְׂרָאֵל iyśrâ’êl; meaning "he will rule as God") for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed," Gen 32:28. Jacob then called the name of the place Peniel, פְּנוּאֵל p̱enû’êl, meaning face of God, "For I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved," Gen 32:31. At this gate, Jacob wrestled with God and as he prevailed a pivotal shift occurred. Jacob was never the same again and history was made.
This epidemic is taking on a global spread for His purposes. God is calling us out of the fear of man, fear of the course and consequences of the epidemic, to the fear of God. He is allowing this epidemic to awaken the global cause us to align with Him. Fear Him and Him only! As reports come in, let us realize this is a potential gateway for encountering Him individually and corporately. History can be made in our lives, communities, and nations if we realize and see His invitation.
If you are awakening in the night seasons, wake up and pray...contend for dreams and visions...for the fresh revelation of His Word! If you are overcome with concern for the troubles of the epidemic and the shakings in the nations, look up! It is time to press in for the fresh "Encounters" with God. Therein lies the birthplace of revival. Through Him and Him only can this birth come. As I write this, reports in our community are coming in of being awakened in the night, dreams and visions. A preparation is underway for the release of His Spirit to bring order out of chaos. The awakening will cause us to wrestle with God. God will wrestle with us through the trials and tribulations to see if we have the strength, desire, and will power to possess the inheritance that has been held too long in the enemy camp. Fear not, for He is with us. In the wrestling, God is expanding our territory, our capacity to receive more of Him, to build our courage and to possess the inheritance that is due His Name.
Susan Rowe
California Prayer Watch
The USA Watch
The Global Watch
In reviewing articles and listening to the news, there is evidence of an enemy force behind this epidemic creating a whirlwind of fear, misinformation, and confusion along with the devastation of the virus. In the midst of the confusion, however, God is saying "Fear Me." The enemy is causing havoc, but God is using it to awaken the global army and beckoning us to a new stance and encounter with Him. Could this be the gate of contention before the global harvest and revival we all sense is coming?
In praying into the situation, I distinctly sensed the Lord say, "The wrestling of God has begun." What does that mean? Does God wrestle with us? Yes! What does it look like? The context comes from Genesis 32:24-29. At a significant gate, going back to take hold of his inheritance, Jacob had an encounter with the Lord. "A Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day," Gen 32:24. When the Man (God) saw how Jacob did not give up He touched Jacob's hip so that his hip was out of joint as they wrestled. Jacob finally declared, "I will not let you go unless You bless me!" Gen 33:26. The Man then blessed Jacob saying, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel (יִשְׂרָאֵל iyśrâ’êl; meaning "he will rule as God") for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed," Gen 32:28. Jacob then called the name of the place Peniel, פְּנוּאֵל p̱enû’êl, meaning face of God, "For I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved," Gen 32:31. At this gate, Jacob wrestled with God and as he prevailed a pivotal shift occurred. Jacob was never the same again and history was made.
This epidemic is taking on a global spread for His purposes. God is calling us out of the fear of man, fear of the course and consequences of the epidemic, to the fear of God. He is allowing this epidemic to awaken the global cause us to align with Him. Fear Him and Him only! As reports come in, let us realize this is a potential gateway for encountering Him individually and corporately. History can be made in our lives, communities, and nations if we realize and see His invitation.
If you are awakening in the night seasons, wake up and pray...contend for dreams and visions...for the fresh revelation of His Word! If you are overcome with concern for the troubles of the epidemic and the shakings in the nations, look up! It is time to press in for the fresh "Encounters" with God. Therein lies the birthplace of revival. Through Him and Him only can this birth come. As I write this, reports in our community are coming in of being awakened in the night, dreams and visions. A preparation is underway for the release of His Spirit to bring order out of chaos. The awakening will cause us to wrestle with God. God will wrestle with us through the trials and tribulations to see if we have the strength, desire, and will power to possess the inheritance that has been held too long in the enemy camp. Fear not, for He is with us. In the wrestling, God is expanding our territory, our capacity to receive more of Him, to build our courage and to possess the inheritance that is due His Name.
Susan Rowe
California Prayer Watch
The USA Watch
The Global Watch

Prayer for Revival