Schedule for the Global Watch International Prayer Room
The Global Watch International Prayer Room Schedule: We are re-digging the wells of the morning/evening corporate prayer times spoken of throughout the Scriptures (see info below). The times are highly strategic and important biblically.
Monday - Friday: (Please note, times are all Jerusalem time)
For timezone simply click "more details" when you click on a specific watch. It will appear on the pop-up.
All times are Jerusalem Time (JT)
Monday - Friday: (Please note, times are all Jerusalem time)
- Morning: 6-7am JT Monday-Friday
- Evening: 3-4pm JT Monday-Thursday
- Evening Fridays:
- 1st and 3rd Friday 3-4pm JT: "Psalms World Watch"
- Every Friday 5-6pm JT: International Shabbat
For timezone simply click "more details" when you click on a specific watch. It will appear on the pop-up.
All times are Jerusalem Time (JT)
Morning and Evening expression:
The call for morning and evening prayer expressions is re-digging a biblical rhythm that flows throughout scripture. “Evening and morning,” these words define the first act of creation itself when God took a formless void filled with darkness and made light. “God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day” (Genesis 1:5). This cycle of evening and morning continued throughout the description of creation:
- And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day (Genesis 1:8).
- So the evening and the morning were the third day (Genesis 1:130); the fourth day (Genesis 1:19); the fifth day (Genesis 1:23)
- Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day (Genesis 1:31).
These corporate gathering times carry biblical weight and we are working to resurrect this corporate call to gather across the nations. Though 9am is the traditional time of the morning sacrifice, for times sake, we are focusing on 6am, the "break of dawn" prayer and the 3pm time of the evening sacrifice.
The 6am "break of dawn" prayer: Though the traditional morning sacrifice is at 9 am, the break of dawn ends the fourth watch of the night and is a particularly significant time for spiritual breakthrough.
- Jacob wrestled with God and met Him face to face before receiving his identity and name as Israel. Genesis 32:22-31
- Prophetic praise and worship brings victory and deliverance to Israel in spite massive odds. 2 Chron 20:18-20
- Jesus is resurrected from the dead. Matthew 28:1
- The order of the day is set. Job 28:13-15
- The evening sacrifice was the time when Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:36).
- During Babylonian captivity with the temple in ruins and the inhabitants of Jerusalem either dead or deported, Daniel prays at the time of the evening sacrifice and receives an answer from the angel Gabriel (Daniel 9:21).
- Ezra hears of the Israelite’s unfaithfulness, tears his cloak appalled at the news. At the time of the evening sacrifice, he arose and repents for the sins of Israel. His action and prayer led to national repentance (Ezra 9:5-13, 10:1).
- Jesus was crucified on the third hour, the morning sacrifice (Mark 15:25).
- Jesus died on the cross on the ninth hour. The ultimate sacrifice for eternity was made at the time of the evening sacrifice (Matthew 27:45).
- Peter and John are on their way to the temple for the evening sacrifice when the first healing after Pentecost occurs (Acts 3:1-10).
- Cornelius has an open vision and an angel appears to him as the door to the Gentile opens (Acts 10:30).