Watchman Runner's Training:
"Developing the heart of a Champion"
An International "Watchmen" Training Course presented on Zoom
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it." Habakkuk 2:2
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it." Habakkuk 2:2
This call for the Watchmen -"Runner's" came forth in Herrnhut at the "Watchman Rise and Build Summit" held August 11-18, 2017 in Herrnhut, Germany. It was confirmed through a prophetic word released through Charisma Magazine, 8/11/2017 by Ryan Johnson: Apostolic Runners will bring the Prophetic Full Circle. The course is designed to mobilize the "Runners" who will catch the vision and run with it. Good news! It doesn't cost anything, just trains the heart to run with zeal and understanding and win the race! The course will run as a international Zoom line. Have computer or phone? Will run.
Vision: The purpose of this course is to lay foundations of the import and the identity, function, authority, and role of Watchmen for the times we live in. The course will cover topics vital in understanding how the “Watch” and “Watchmen” role is part of God’s plan to usher the church into its finest hour, and release the end-time harvest. The course is inspired by the call for the prophetic release of “Runners” from the Herrnhut “Watchmen Rise and Build” Summit August, 11-18th. From this course, people will learn the following:
"Over the years of responding to the call to"Watch," we have distinctly underestimated the power of its role in our personal lives and to the body of Christ. We have also distinctly underestimated the enemy assignment against it. Jesus knew what He was saying when He exhorted the disciples during His final hours on earth, "Could you not watch with me one hour? Matthew 26:4; Mark 14:37. He knew the single most powerful history making event was about to take place and called the disciples into their God-given role on "watch." pg 9; Remnant Rising.
If you are interested contact us: click here
Vision: The purpose of this course is to lay foundations of the import and the identity, function, authority, and role of Watchmen for the times we live in. The course will cover topics vital in understanding how the “Watch” and “Watchmen” role is part of God’s plan to usher the church into its finest hour, and release the end-time harvest. The course is inspired by the call for the prophetic release of “Runners” from the Herrnhut “Watchmen Rise and Build” Summit August, 11-18th. From this course, people will learn the following:
- Understand the functional identity, role, and authority of the Watchman.
- Be inspired to encounter the Lord for sharpened personal identity, empowerment and revelation
- Understand foundational and functional dynamics of what the Global and national watches like the USA Watch are, their values, and how national/regional/ individuals inter-relate will be understood.
- Isaiah 62:6-7 “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”
- Habakkuk 2:1-2: “I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.”
- Remnant Rising: A Watchman Call to the Nations
- Word, Charisma Magazine, 8/11/2017 by Ryan Johnson: Apostolic Runners will bring the Prophetic Full Circle
- Session 1: Visionary and Biblical foundations of the Watch
- Session 2: The Engine of the Watch
- Session 3: The Life-giving character and role of the Watchman
- Session 4: Functional interactions of the Watch with ministries and cultural spheres
- Session 5: The import and impact of the night watch
- Session 6: Ekklesia
"Over the years of responding to the call to"Watch," we have distinctly underestimated the power of its role in our personal lives and to the body of Christ. We have also distinctly underestimated the enemy assignment against it. Jesus knew what He was saying when He exhorted the disciples during His final hours on earth, "Could you not watch with me one hour? Matthew 26:4; Mark 14:37. He knew the single most powerful history making event was about to take place and called the disciples into their God-given role on "watch." pg 9; Remnant Rising.
If you are interested contact us: click here
Watchman Runner's Training: Developing the Heart of a Champion
Watchman Runner's Training:
Biblical Foundations of the Watch |
Watchman Runner's Training Week 1: The Foundations
"So grateful to be aligned with His Isaiah 62:6-7. This is the graduate program, per se, of deepening the intimacy with our Gracious God and each other. Psalm 133: How pleasant it is…for Brethren in Unity, HE COMMANDS THE BLESSING FOREVER MORE."
Dr. S. Rowe, California, USA |
Watchman Runner's Training Week 2: The Engine
What are the ingredients that keep corporate worship/prayer engaged and healthy? Through tests of time, the ingredients of community, committed prayer and communication are functions that keep the ministry "engine" of watchmen, running....relentlessly.
Watchman Runners Training Week 3: The Life-giving Character of a Watchman
Keys to sustaining healthy corporate prayer/worship environments are discussed. As Hebrews10:24-25 exhorts, environments inspiring life giving interactions will be vital for the strength needed in the times ahead. The power of blessing, ministry of recognition, spiritual identity and interaction with others, Malachi 4:6 release are all discussed as keys to corporate strength. All ministries engaged in corporate interaction will be encouraged through this teaching. Fred and Sue Rowe
Watchman Runner's Training Week 4: Becoming Strong Builders
This teaching is about building life-giving environments for spiritual growth and community. Discover simple principles of the "Watch" and how it works with you, your ministry, gifts and callings. Fred and Sue Rowe
Watchman Runner's Training Week 5
Ignite the Night & Awaken the Dawn |
Waking between 3-6am? It may be God calling. Find out more about joining in with God's call as He prepares His ready and awakened bride in the watches of the night.
"When you opened up for questions and comments, there were one or two questions but mostly comments and to me that is saying that there are so many testimonies out there, so much agreement, this isn’t like having to convince people, but it is affirmation. The question is not whether this is real, but rather people giving testimony….We thank you for the nations that are participating and call forth those that aren’t so that there would be no gaps in the wall!" P.C. Oregon, USA "I was asking God 'What is this Watch?' He responded with two things, 'This is the shot I have released into the heart of the enemy. And this is my people ushering in My Kingdom.'" KU, Austin, Texas |
As wars, rumors of war, devastations, natural disasters increase in frequency and ferocity, God is moving upon His church a new sound..."Ekklesia." This teaching will give you sound biblical, historical, and functional foundations to understand the true meaning of this word and the power of Jesus' words, "Upon this rock, I will build My Church (Ekklesia) and the gates of hell will not prevail against it," Matthew 16:18 This is a must see for the awakening underway. Pastor Greg Simas, Fremont, CA
Watchman Runners' Training Week 6
Ekklesia with Pastor Greg Simas
Ekklesia with Pastor Greg Simas