About the Global Watch
The Need

As times intensify, a necessary shift in the body of Christ is now rising in the nations. In response to the challenges today, a grassroots mobilization of prayer is taking place. People are beginning to realize the need to collaborate and to stand shoulder to shoulder. Starting with our own families, churches, to neighborhoods and on to the nations, watchmen are being called to build the walls of prayer.
As such, a grassroots movement of not only worship/prayer but building community in prayer is underway. Consequently, a culture of corporate prayer in a community is rising. In line with the historic outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Herrnhut, Germany, where people overcame their differences and worked together, we are now being called to bridge our cities and nations through relational strength. In fact, it was Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf, founder of Herrnhut, Germany, who said, “There is no Christianity without community.” The Global Watch vision carries the mandate to build a culture of prayer and community leading to transformation and revival from local expressions to global connections.
As such, a grassroots movement of not only worship/prayer but building community in prayer is underway. Consequently, a culture of corporate prayer in a community is rising. In line with the historic outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Herrnhut, Germany, where people overcame their differences and worked together, we are now being called to bridge our cities and nations through relational strength. In fact, it was Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf, founder of Herrnhut, Germany, who said, “There is no Christianity without community.” The Global Watch vision carries the mandate to build a culture of prayer and community leading to transformation and revival from local expressions to global connections.
The History

The Global Watch, though new in its formation, has carried a long history marked by God’s gracious interventions and confirmations. Birthed in an open vision of 9/11 in October 2000, the construct and context of what a Global Watch looks like has been a journey marked by encounters and “Only God could do” moments. Now, two decades later since the open vision, God’s care-filled wisdom has removed the stumbling blocks and has opened vistas of revelation for such an entity to come into being. The construct of this Watch carries the spiritual DNA of Herrnhut, Germany. Herrnhut means the "Lord's Watch" and was the sight of an outpouring some call the "2nd Pentecost" in 1727 resulting in over 100 years of 24/7 prayer and unprecedented missions movement. Participation in the "Global Watch" does not interfere with personal ministry call, established ministry or church leadership structures. Rather, the construct protects and builds every family participating, much like in Nehemiah's time when everyone building had a "Mind to work," Nehemiah 4:6. In building the walls of prayer across the nations, we are building an infrastructure that will go beyond our years to establish global participation as God rouses His Body to become the Bride. Those participating will be part of God's plan to usher in the end-time harvest burgeoning at the door and escort the church into its finest hour!

The vision of the Global Watch is local expressions of community in prayer (worship) established and effectively connected and empowering the church for three mandates:
To accomplish the vision, our mission involves mobilizing and equipping people in the biblical mandates of the Watchman:
Specific steps
We presently undertake statewide, national, and international on-site summits as well as an annual international summit in Herrnhut, Germany to foster such relational strength. Ongoing daily prayer calls for nations are underway as well as weekly discipleship sessions, "The Journey" to encourage the building of the Watch across the nations. To get more information, you are welcome to join the growing family of watchmen across the nations. Go to the “Join” link.
- Revival and the final frontiers of the global harvest: John 3:16
- Transformation Ps 27:13, 65:9; 2 Cor 3:18; Acts 3:19
- Equipping in the end-time narrative; ultimately contending for the destiny of nations and Israel: Isaiah 62:6-7; 52:8 Acts 13:47
To accomplish the vision, our mission involves mobilizing and equipping people in the biblical mandates of the Watchman:
- Encouraging individual intimacy with God, Habakkuk 2:1, 1 Cor 16:13
- Catalyzing corporate prayer from local expressions to global connections, Neh 4:19-20
- Equipping in the end-time biblical narrative, Is 52:8; 62:6-7
- Equipping messengers in covenant reality Ezekiel 33:1-6; Malachi 3:1
Specific steps
- Identify, and develop intentional strategic relationships with individuals and communities/churches who want to relate and function as watchmen in every nation.
- Encourage local expressions of the "Watch" through community strategies that build infrastructure strength at local levels and work through core values.
- Encourage both spiritual and civic engagement for transformational impact.
- Build national expressions of the "Watch" through creative platforms that inspire relationships and corporate prayer/worship.
- Encourage global expressions of the "Watch" through ongoing corporate communication platforms.
- Disciple through global corporate communication platforms where "Watchmen" are equipped and mobilized for strategic intervention and the biblical end-time narrative.
We presently undertake statewide, national, and international on-site summits as well as an annual international summit in Herrnhut, Germany to foster such relational strength. Ongoing daily prayer calls for nations are underway as well as weekly discipleship sessions, "The Journey" to encourage the building of the Watch across the nations. To get more information, you are welcome to join the growing family of watchmen across the nations. Go to the “Join” link.
Who Are We?
Drs. Frederic and Susan Rowe: The journey to establish the Global Watch began with an open vision in October, 2000. Since then the call to "Watch" has led them from establishing and sustaining a prayer "Watch" locally to connecting with others statewide, into the City of David in Jerusalem, and into nations. More recently, they have discovered generational roots to the outpouring of God's Spirit in Herrnhut, Germany. Herrnhut means "The Lord's Watch." It is a village that hosted one of the longest far-reaching revivals in history. With 24/7 prayer lasting over 100 years, the Moravian missionaries sent from a small village literally touched every continent on earth. The father of the Rauh family in America, Johannes Rauh, hosted Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf, father of the movement, in their family homestead in New York. The Rauh family is mentioned in several of Count von Zinzendorf’s goals for the outreach in America.[1] His daughter, Jeannette Rauh, married one of the Moravian leaders, Martin Mack, and traveled with Zinzendorf to reach the Native Americans. She was an important part of the Moravian mission to America as she knew the Native American language. The Rauh (now Rowe) family and Moravian care and commitment formed the first Native American Christian Community in North America.[2]
The values of the Moravian lampstand, community in prayer, and missions have led them towards a "Watchman Call" to re-dig the wells of revival in Herrnhut Germany. They both carry Doctor of Medicine and Bachelor of Science degrees. Susan also carries Masters' degrees from Wagner University and Vanguard University. Published books include: The Amos “911” Call: Apprehending Heaven in Tumultuous Times, When Mercy Triumphs over Judgment and most recently Unleashed: Unlocking the Power of Corporate Prayer, Remnant Rising: A Watchman Call to Prepare the Way. They have both co-authored a study guide Foundations for Houses of Prayer.
[1] William C. Reichel, “Memorials of the Moravian Church” (London, England: Dalton House, 2018). Pg 55-56
[2] Shekomeko, NY, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekomeko,_New_York
International Watches (all have facilitators, contact us for more information)
Arab Peninsula and North Africa
Hong Kong
Isaiah 19
Korea Watch
Latin America
New Zealand Watch
UK Watch
USA Watch
USA Governmental Watch
California Prayer Watch
Colorado Prayer Watch
Healthcare healing
Psalms World Watch
Advisory Council
Rick Ridings, Succat Hallel, Jerusalem
Pastor Greg Simas, Convergence HOP, Fremont, CA
Pastor Wendell Vinson, Senior Pastor Canyon Hills Church, Founder: City-Serve, Bakersfield, CA
Drs. Frederic and Susan Rowe: The journey to establish the Global Watch began with an open vision in October, 2000. Since then the call to "Watch" has led them from establishing and sustaining a prayer "Watch" locally to connecting with others statewide, into the City of David in Jerusalem, and into nations. More recently, they have discovered generational roots to the outpouring of God's Spirit in Herrnhut, Germany. Herrnhut means "The Lord's Watch." It is a village that hosted one of the longest far-reaching revivals in history. With 24/7 prayer lasting over 100 years, the Moravian missionaries sent from a small village literally touched every continent on earth. The father of the Rauh family in America, Johannes Rauh, hosted Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf, father of the movement, in their family homestead in New York. The Rauh family is mentioned in several of Count von Zinzendorf’s goals for the outreach in America.[1] His daughter, Jeannette Rauh, married one of the Moravian leaders, Martin Mack, and traveled with Zinzendorf to reach the Native Americans. She was an important part of the Moravian mission to America as she knew the Native American language. The Rauh (now Rowe) family and Moravian care and commitment formed the first Native American Christian Community in North America.[2]
The values of the Moravian lampstand, community in prayer, and missions have led them towards a "Watchman Call" to re-dig the wells of revival in Herrnhut Germany. They both carry Doctor of Medicine and Bachelor of Science degrees. Susan also carries Masters' degrees from Wagner University and Vanguard University. Published books include: The Amos “911” Call: Apprehending Heaven in Tumultuous Times, When Mercy Triumphs over Judgment and most recently Unleashed: Unlocking the Power of Corporate Prayer, Remnant Rising: A Watchman Call to Prepare the Way. They have both co-authored a study guide Foundations for Houses of Prayer.
[1] William C. Reichel, “Memorials of the Moravian Church” (London, England: Dalton House, 2018). Pg 55-56
[2] Shekomeko, NY, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekomeko,_New_York
International Watches (all have facilitators, contact us for more information)
Arab Peninsula and North Africa
Hong Kong
Isaiah 19
Korea Watch
Latin America
New Zealand Watch
UK Watch
USA Watch
USA Governmental Watch
California Prayer Watch
Colorado Prayer Watch
Healthcare healing
Psalms World Watch
Advisory Council
Rick Ridings, Succat Hallel, Jerusalem
Pastor Greg Simas, Convergence HOP, Fremont, CA
Pastor Wendell Vinson, Senior Pastor Canyon Hills Church, Founder: City-Serve, Bakersfield, CA