Korea 2022
Report of "We Forgive North Korea"
And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin agains us
Matthew 6:12
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
I Chron 7:14
Matthew 6:12
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
I Chron 7:14

Cornerstone Ministries International invited us to a strategic prayer journey for the healing between North and South Korea. Through strategic prayer along the borders of North and South Korea with a contingent of people representing the nations that fought in the Korean War (see below), we prayed for forgiveness, the salvation, and ultimately the healing of North and South Korea. North Korea has a tremendous revival heritage in Pyongyang, 1907-1910. It became known as the "Jerusalem of the East." We are now in a season of the spirit of Elijah who will come to "Restore all things" (Matthew 17:11) and believe it is time to re-dig that well.
Key message of "We Forgive North Korea:" What if by letting go of our offenses and need to be right and forgiving those who have hurt us, we can influence God to redeem nations. That’s what God's word promises and "We forgive North Korea" was and is all about.
Key message of "We Forgive North Korea:" What if by letting go of our offenses and need to be right and forgiving those who have hurt us, we can influence God to redeem nations. That’s what God's word promises and "We forgive North Korea" was and is all about.
Nations in the Korean War:
Schedule of event:
Arrival: Tues, 9/13/22
Actual Event: Wed, 9/14/22 - Fri 9/16/22
Departure: Fri, 9/17/22
Arrival: Tues, 9/13/22
Actual Event: Wed, 9/14/22 - Fri 9/16/22
Departure: Fri, 9/17/22
Report of “We Forgive North Korea”

What happens when you bring 16 different nations most of whom had not worked together before, into foreign territory for a high level assignment? A lot of raised eyebrows and questioning hearts. Though many felt the assignment to “We Forgive No. Korea” an important assignment and step towards bringing a deeply divided nation closer together, we did not know what to expect. In summary, God did a remarkable work of bringing diverse cultures, different viewpoints, personalities, ministry backgrounds through three days of prayer, worship, brief coaching. Starting widely disconnected and diverse, we came through at the end "As one." The Presence of God was palpable and we could sense that the mission at least for this gathering was accomplished. For all who participated onsite and offsite in praying for us, I sense the Lord saying, “Well done good and faithful servants.”

Day 1
We convened at the Cornerstone Training Center on Gangwha Island. The day opened with video instruction and introduction to the vision/mission and history of Cornerstone Ministries to North Korea. The session went into prayer for forgiving North Korea. South Koreans came forward to pray for forgiving North Korea focused on three roots of the “personality cult” now presiding.
Time of releasing forgiveness to N Korea for worshipping idols in a “Personality” Cult
We convened at the Cornerstone Training Center on Gangwha Island. The day opened with video instruction and introduction to the vision/mission and history of Cornerstone Ministries to North Korea. The session went into prayer for forgiving North Korea. South Koreans came forward to pray for forgiving North Korea focused on three roots of the “personality cult” now presiding.
- Japan: For enslaving men and prostitution of women
- For unforgiveness and anger towards Korea from previous wars which resulted in harsh and violent rule
- For exerting dominance over the people through war
- For education of Kim il Sung on dominating people through rule
- China: For exerting dominance through war
- For teaching and training government through mind control
- By gaining control through violence and aggression
- For Mao Tse Tung’s support of the Korean War
- Russia
- For teaching Kim il Sung tactics of war and controlling people through communist ideology
- Gaining control through violence and war
- For Joseph Stalin’s support of the Korean War
Time of releasing forgiveness to N Korea for worshipping idols in a “Personality” Cult
- Self-reliance, rejection that drives self-reliance
- For violence, imprisonment, torture of family members and citizens of our nations

Prayer and declaration of scriptures focused on forgiveness were spoken over No. Korea from Cornerstone’s training center as participants held the flag of their nations. The names of those who died in the Korean War on a flash drive were buried on the grounds of the training center as scriptures were declared.
To close the session, the “Letter of Forgiveness,” modeled through a. letter written by Native Americans and spoken over the USA in 2016, was read by a woman with Native American blood representing Canada. (See list of Scriptures read and "Letter of Forgiveness" below PDF)
We traveled back to Grace Hill for dinner with a growing sense of camaradarie and purpose.
Prayer and declaration of scriptures focused on forgiveness were spoken over No. Korea from Cornerstone’s training center as participants held the flag of their nations. The names of those who died in the Korean War on a flash drive were buried on the grounds of the training center as scriptures were declared.
To close the session, the “Letter of Forgiveness,” modeled through a. letter written by Native Americans and spoken over the USA in 2016, was read by a woman with Native American blood representing Canada. (See list of Scriptures read and "Letter of Forgiveness" below PDF)
We traveled back to Grace Hill for dinner with a growing sense of camaradarie and purpose.

Day 2 September 15th
We traveled from Grace Hill to Cheolwon where we prayed and worshipped at a church site destroyed during the Korean War. We were led to do a Joshua’s march seven times around the church site, then shouted (Joshua 6:1-7). Several corporate prayer sessions followed through group participation.
We encountered a sign with a 360-degree rainbow around the sun. This was a unifying sign as people realized God’s oversight and His answer to prayer. Do you see the cross in the middle of it?
We traveled from Grace Hill to Cheolwon where we prayed and worshipped at a church site destroyed during the Korean War. We were led to do a Joshua’s march seven times around the church site, then shouted (Joshua 6:1-7). Several corporate prayer sessions followed through group participation.
We encountered a sign with a 360-degree rainbow around the sun. This was a unifying sign as people realized God’s oversight and His answer to prayer. Do you see the cross in the middle of it?

From the church, we went to a military base at Cheolwon. It is in the center of Korea and has a church on base. There was a significant view of No. Korea from the base. We convened in the church and spent time worshipping and praying via “Rapid Fire” type prayer. The camaraderie amongst the participants was palpable despite the different languages represented.
We then went to the over-look where each of the countries declared, “We ‘name of country’ forgive North Korea, in the name of Jesus.” Each country carried its own weight and spiritual impartation. It became very poignant when the defectors from North Korea came forward. Though difficult, they were able to express their forgiveness.
The day culminated in a family type dinner along the way back to Grace Hill. The atmosphere and camaraderie was palpating with the love of Jesus.
We then went to the over-look where each of the countries declared, “We ‘name of country’ forgive North Korea, in the name of Jesus.” Each country carried its own weight and spiritual impartation. It became very poignant when the defectors from North Korea came forward. Though difficult, they were able to express their forgiveness.
The day culminated in a family type dinner along the way back to Grace Hill. The atmosphere and camaraderie was palpating with the love of Jesus.
Day 3 September 16
The final and last day opened with breakfast at Grace Hill. We convened in an amphitheater where a video regarding No. Korea was played. This was followed by declarative prayer and a time of ministry to No.Koreans with foot washing. Communion sealed the time together. The Presence of the Lord was palpable. There was a long departure time as people embraced, took pictures, and expressed their love and appreciation for one another. Thank you to Cornerstone ministries for a well-planned encounter with the culture of Korea and opportunity to gather once again for His Kingdom purposes. We look forward to what God will do with the prayers, and sacrifices all made to participate.
The final and last day opened with breakfast at Grace Hill. We convened in an amphitheater where a video regarding No. Korea was played. This was followed by declarative prayer and a time of ministry to No.Koreans with foot washing. Communion sealed the time together. The Presence of the Lord was palpable. There was a long departure time as people embraced, took pictures, and expressed their love and appreciation for one another. Thank you to Cornerstone ministries for a well-planned encounter with the culture of Korea and opportunity to gather once again for His Kingdom purposes. We look forward to what God will do with the prayers, and sacrifices all made to participate.
Comments from Participants
- This was an extraordinary journey and assignment and I think it is impossible to know everything that God did, is doing and will do as a result. Isaiah 61 was and is my prayer forNK but what joy it was to see individuals who were given beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning.It was also humbling to meet extraordinary men and women of prayer. This has been a life changing experience and I am so thankful that I was given this opportunity to be part of the journey. SB-UK
- I’ve been feeling like the prophetic download in the last two weeks is like drinking from a fire hose. I was anticipating a release from the burden of prayer for Korea on my return to Canada but it has actually increased. It’s been hard to gather my thoughts and speak coherently because my mind, heart, and spirit is pulled so strongly to Korea and secondly toward you. I’ve been praying covering for you as you navigate the priorities of the battles ahead. That you would be fervent in your calling, and effective in your administration. AR-CAN
- Word on the "dragon": Before going to Korea, I sensed the Lord say "You are going into the head of the dragon." The thought reverberated repeatedly before, during and after the journey. I told my husband about it, but felt peace about going. We know the warfare over N. Korea would be intense. I am sure many of you may have some tangible evidence of this with your experiences on the journey. Interestingly, the last two nights in Korea, we were at the original prayer mountain that birthed the Prayer Mountain Movement, Yong Moon Mountain. Our hosts casually mentioned that the original name of the mountain was "The Mouth of the Dragon!" That was enough confirmation to me that the Lord was speaking!!! Interestingly, it was the mountain God chose to birth a movement of 24/7 prayer on mountains in other places in Korea. SR-USA
Lessons from the Korea Message
First mention forgiveness: Neh 9:17
But they and our fathers acted proudly, Hardened their necks, And did not heed Your commandments.
They refused to obey, And they were not mindful of Your wonders, That You did among them.
But they hardened their necks, And in their rebellion They appointed a leader To return to their bondage.
But You are God, Ready to pardon, Gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, Abundant in kindness, And did not forsake them.
But they and our fathers acted proudly, Hardened their necks, And did not heed Your commandments.
They refused to obey, And they were not mindful of Your wonders, That You did among them.
But they hardened their necks, And in their rebellion They appointed a leader To return to their bondage.
But You are God, Ready to pardon, Gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, Abundant in kindness, And did not forsake them.
lîyḥâ; from 5545; pardon: — forgiveness, pardon.
- Neh 9:17 first mention forgiveness in the Bible occurs when Israel assembles with "fasting, sackcloth and dust on their heads" to confess their sins (Neh 9:1).
- There are expressions of both individual and corporate need for forgiveness.
- Individual forgiveness, Psalm 130:4 If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.
- Corporate forgiveness, Daniel 9:9. To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. We have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to walk in His laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets.
- Failures of Kings throughout the Old Testament had to do with setting up idols. None of those who failed to take down idols were successful and often fell into disastrous results.
- Israel: 20 bad Kings over 209 years served an average of 10.65 yrs.
- Judah: 8 good /12 bad Kings ruled for 345 years: Asa, Jehoshaphat (did not take down high places); Joash; Amaziah, Azariah; Jotham, Hezekiah, Josiah
- Good kings ruled an average of 31.75 years (source)
- Bad kings ruled an average of 11.5 years
- Kim Jung Un is now in his 11th year. (his reign began in 2011)
- Kim Jung Il reigned: 17 years
- Kim il Song reigned: 1948-1994: 46 years
- God does not want disaster. His desire is to remove obstacles out of the way of His love.
- The blind cannot lead the blind. We cannot expect those walking in darkness to take the first step towards redemption so those who can see are being called to take the first step by unlocking the door and pathway to forgiveness.
- Today when we talk about forgiveness, we often think of it as personal. However, forgiveness when mentioned in the bible is also corporate. Psalm 130 that points to personal seeking of forgiveness ends with a national cry “O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption and He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.”
- What if by letting go of our offenses and need to be right and forgiving those who have hurt us, we can influence God to redeem nations. That’s what God's word promises and "We forgive North Korea" was and is all about.