New Mantles for a New Season
International Watchmen Summit, 2022
Herrnhut, Germany

To try to put into words what God did at this Summit would certainly not reflect the multi-dimensional encounter with the Lord we experienced. Each session was like drinking from a firehose. We have all had to take time to take a deep breath to assimilate. We believe much seed was cast. The fruit will come as we receive and nurture what was released as we journey forward. In reflection, three images emerge in our memory that characterize the essence but not the totality of the summit: the plumb line, bell, and wine skin. Reflecting on them lends prophetic insight to encourage us to cross over into the new era with new lenses to help us see the pathway forward.
The plumbline:
Early in the week, there was a palpable sense that we were in a plumbline drop from heaven. I could literally see a “plummet” in the middle of the room. What does that mean? Amos 7:7-9 reflects Jesus holding a plummet while standing on a wall. He was not just holding it, but it says the wall was MADE with a plumb line:
Thus He showed me: Behold, the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. And the LORD said to me, "Amos, what do you see?"
And I said, "A plumb line."
Then the Lord said:
"Behold, I am setting a plumb line
In the midst of My people Israel;
I will not pass by them anymore.
The plumbline:
Early in the week, there was a palpable sense that we were in a plumbline drop from heaven. I could literally see a “plummet” in the middle of the room. What does that mean? Amos 7:7-9 reflects Jesus holding a plummet while standing on a wall. He was not just holding it, but it says the wall was MADE with a plumb line:
Thus He showed me: Behold, the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. And the LORD said to me, "Amos, what do you see?"
And I said, "A plumb line."
Then the Lord said:
"Behold, I am setting a plumb line
In the midst of My people Israel;
I will not pass by them anymore.

What does the plumb line mean? It is basically a standard of righteousness. Nothing interferes with our relationship with God. Isaiah explains, “Also I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plummet” (Isaiah 28:17). A plumb line or plummet is also mentioned in Zechariah 4:10; 2 Kings 21:13; Isaiah 28:17. All scriptures with “plumb-line or plummet” are associated with God setting into order righteousness. With the plummet will often come judgment as God sets into order that which is out of order.
What does that mean for us today? Get ready. Get ready! Get ready!! Plumb lines represent a standard of righteousness. Jesus standing on a wall made with a plummet reflects a wall made with righteous alignment with Him. However, Amos 7:9-17 goes on to speak of the judgments that would fall upon Israel. In a similar way today, we may be sent out only to face the whirlwinds of judgments. Do not lose heart if these challenges erupt before your eyes. Isaiah promises, “For when Your judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness” (Isaiah 26:9).
Within a week of the Summit's end, massive storms hit Europe leaving at least a dozen dead. From the Summit, God was sending a clear message for us to be strong in the face of the headwinds ahead, “not by might, nor by power, but by His spirit” (Zech 4:6). Other "judgments" may follow, but these extraordinary weather patterns are sending a clear message that the Lord of Hosts is on the move.
In preparation for what is ahead, many at the gathering received new turbans, new mindsets, new ways of thinking, and were mantled with new clothes (Zechariah 3), new authority or ways of operating. A release of shame from Germany was addressed in a powerful expression and declaration with a commissioning to walk in their destiny of reformation. We were exhorted to hold fast to new turbans, seek wisdom and revelation from His word and go forward! Offenses, failures, and personal opinions must give way to the revelation and promises in God’s word (Romans 12:2). Such transformational thinking will heal the wounds, or reliance on our individual perspectives to help us cross over into a revelatory realm of this new season. When challenges arise, it is Jesus’ invitation to, “Come up here, for I must show you things to come” (Revelation 4:1).
What does that mean for us today? Get ready. Get ready! Get ready!! Plumb lines represent a standard of righteousness. Jesus standing on a wall made with a plummet reflects a wall made with righteous alignment with Him. However, Amos 7:9-17 goes on to speak of the judgments that would fall upon Israel. In a similar way today, we may be sent out only to face the whirlwinds of judgments. Do not lose heart if these challenges erupt before your eyes. Isaiah promises, “For when Your judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness” (Isaiah 26:9).
Within a week of the Summit's end, massive storms hit Europe leaving at least a dozen dead. From the Summit, God was sending a clear message for us to be strong in the face of the headwinds ahead, “not by might, nor by power, but by His spirit” (Zech 4:6). Other "judgments" may follow, but these extraordinary weather patterns are sending a clear message that the Lord of Hosts is on the move.
In preparation for what is ahead, many at the gathering received new turbans, new mindsets, new ways of thinking, and were mantled with new clothes (Zechariah 3), new authority or ways of operating. A release of shame from Germany was addressed in a powerful expression and declaration with a commissioning to walk in their destiny of reformation. We were exhorted to hold fast to new turbans, seek wisdom and revelation from His word and go forward! Offenses, failures, and personal opinions must give way to the revelation and promises in God’s word (Romans 12:2). Such transformational thinking will heal the wounds, or reliance on our individual perspectives to help us cross over into a revelatory realm of this new season. When challenges arise, it is Jesus’ invitation to, “Come up here, for I must show you things to come” (Revelation 4:1).

The Bell
Herrnhut residents reset the bell from the time of the outpouring over the gate of Jesus Haus' entry, 3 July 2022. It was a joyous celebration of the 300-year anniversary of Herrnhut's founding. Bells were a common theme throughout the Summit ringing nearly every day. When bells are ringing, they call us to attention. In fact, if they are loud enough, it is hard to think about anything else but listen to the sound. Their ringing calls everything in us to attention.
Biblically, bells are only mentioned in a few places. A golden bell was sewn between pomegranates to the hem of the priest’s garments in which they ministered (Exodus 28:33-34, 39:25-26). The other mention is an end-time description of “Holiness to the Lord” engraved on the bells of the horses during the “Feast of Tabernacles” (Zech 14:20).
When the Lord calls us to attention, obstacles are removed that would hinder us from bearing fruit. Fruitfulness is symbolized by pomegranates on the hem of the priest's robe. Emphasis on bells calls us to attention to a new season. They also herald weddings. Both new seasons and weddings are intended to yield fruit. Pomegranates bear many seeds and symbolize productivity. For further explanation of the bells click here.
The emphasis on bells at the Summit is heralding a new sound of awakening. This may come in the form of new songs or new articulation and revelation for the coming season. We witnessed both at this Summit. The sense and sound of a new call to engagement of the Church as an Ekklesia arose. Revelation opened hearts and minds to these vital scriptural foundations of what Jesus meant when He called forth a "Church" in which the "Gates of Hades shall not prevail against." The revelations fed into the "Plumb line" and the "New Wineskin" atmosphere. A new song written and sung by a 13-year-old, "I Pledge Allegiance" was evidence of this new season in action.
Zechariah 3 is a reflection of the process Jesus is inviting us into for this awakening. Joshua, the high priest is before the Lord. Satan is at his side screaming into his ear (at least that is my interpretation :). In other words, Joshua was likely thinking about his failures, disappointments, hurts, and pain of the past season. But the Lord is before him and at the right time He says, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan." Note the Lord rebukes Satan not Joshua. He then commands a new turban to be released on Joshua followed by new clothes, new mantle. Jesus is inviting us all into the process of renewing our minds (Romans 12:2) so that we can carry new mantles and bring forth the fruit intended for the coming season. We must train our thoughts to move into the dynamics of the new season with a new trust in Him and wisdom for the walk. Avoiding the pitfalls of offense and the pointing of the finger, a community of trust that hosts His Presence and the release of the prophetic is vital for the coming season/era. (ex. Jeremiah 17:7-8; Ps 18:1-3; Pro 3:5-6). Ultimately, such a culture will bring us to the marriage of the lamb, for the bride has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7). Interestingly, Mike Bickle states that Zechariah 3 is one of the most "quoted" scriptures in prophecy over the past 40 years in his message "Godly speech that Overcomes the Spirit of Accusation." Such revelation is vital in the building of the ramparts of the Watch from our local communities to global connections and will be necessary for us all to process in the season ahead.
Herrnhut residents reset the bell from the time of the outpouring over the gate of Jesus Haus' entry, 3 July 2022. It was a joyous celebration of the 300-year anniversary of Herrnhut's founding. Bells were a common theme throughout the Summit ringing nearly every day. When bells are ringing, they call us to attention. In fact, if they are loud enough, it is hard to think about anything else but listen to the sound. Their ringing calls everything in us to attention.
Biblically, bells are only mentioned in a few places. A golden bell was sewn between pomegranates to the hem of the priest’s garments in which they ministered (Exodus 28:33-34, 39:25-26). The other mention is an end-time description of “Holiness to the Lord” engraved on the bells of the horses during the “Feast of Tabernacles” (Zech 14:20).
When the Lord calls us to attention, obstacles are removed that would hinder us from bearing fruit. Fruitfulness is symbolized by pomegranates on the hem of the priest's robe. Emphasis on bells calls us to attention to a new season. They also herald weddings. Both new seasons and weddings are intended to yield fruit. Pomegranates bear many seeds and symbolize productivity. For further explanation of the bells click here.
The emphasis on bells at the Summit is heralding a new sound of awakening. This may come in the form of new songs or new articulation and revelation for the coming season. We witnessed both at this Summit. The sense and sound of a new call to engagement of the Church as an Ekklesia arose. Revelation opened hearts and minds to these vital scriptural foundations of what Jesus meant when He called forth a "Church" in which the "Gates of Hades shall not prevail against." The revelations fed into the "Plumb line" and the "New Wineskin" atmosphere. A new song written and sung by a 13-year-old, "I Pledge Allegiance" was evidence of this new season in action.
Zechariah 3 is a reflection of the process Jesus is inviting us into for this awakening. Joshua, the high priest is before the Lord. Satan is at his side screaming into his ear (at least that is my interpretation :). In other words, Joshua was likely thinking about his failures, disappointments, hurts, and pain of the past season. But the Lord is before him and at the right time He says, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan." Note the Lord rebukes Satan not Joshua. He then commands a new turban to be released on Joshua followed by new clothes, new mantle. Jesus is inviting us all into the process of renewing our minds (Romans 12:2) so that we can carry new mantles and bring forth the fruit intended for the coming season. We must train our thoughts to move into the dynamics of the new season with a new trust in Him and wisdom for the walk. Avoiding the pitfalls of offense and the pointing of the finger, a community of trust that hosts His Presence and the release of the prophetic is vital for the coming season/era. (ex. Jeremiah 17:7-8; Ps 18:1-3; Pro 3:5-6). Ultimately, such a culture will bring us to the marriage of the lamb, for the bride has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7). Interestingly, Mike Bickle states that Zechariah 3 is one of the most "quoted" scriptures in prophecy over the past 40 years in his message "Godly speech that Overcomes the Spirit of Accusation." Such revelation is vital in the building of the ramparts of the Watch from our local communities to global connections and will be necessary for us all to process in the season ahead.

New Wineskin
The “plumb line” and “bell” emphasis heralded the release of a new way forward. Before the summit, there was a sense that we were at the Red Sea. Jesus was inviting us to cross over. “Until” is a word of invitation to not only see, but to contend for, and step forward into that new season. This Summit released experience and articulation of what that “new season” is like, some of which we can only sense, some of which we see, much of it will require a restructuring of our mindsets. Though the words and release of revelation may cause our “Wineskins” to stretch, we believe they were made ready to receive the new wine by the sacrifices and determination paid to participate. All who came to this summit paid a price. There was sacrifice and determination in the hearts of all attending. We strongly sense we got a taste of the new wine, of what is to come as we journey forward into this new season so well articulated. Foundations of the ekklesia were released in new and manifold ways to make us ready for the end-time narrative now unfolding. The taste of the new wine was good and it was poured into wineskins ready to receive it. May the seeds sown take root and bear even more in the times ahead! The marriage feast is being prepared and the bells are ringing.
The “plumb line” and “bell” emphasis heralded the release of a new way forward. Before the summit, there was a sense that we were at the Red Sea. Jesus was inviting us to cross over. “Until” is a word of invitation to not only see, but to contend for, and step forward into that new season. This Summit released experience and articulation of what that “new season” is like, some of which we can only sense, some of which we see, much of it will require a restructuring of our mindsets. Though the words and release of revelation may cause our “Wineskins” to stretch, we believe they were made ready to receive the new wine by the sacrifices and determination paid to participate. All who came to this summit paid a price. There was sacrifice and determination in the hearts of all attending. We strongly sense we got a taste of the new wine, of what is to come as we journey forward into this new season so well articulated. Foundations of the ekklesia were released in new and manifold ways to make us ready for the end-time narrative now unfolding. The taste of the new wine was good and it was poured into wineskins ready to receive it. May the seeds sown take root and bear even more in the times ahead! The marriage feast is being prepared and the bells are ringing.
Take home messages
The principles released are not complex, they are so simple they are often overlooked
The principles released are not complex, they are so simple they are often overlooked
- Jesus is waiting for us to understand and walk in the call and authority of the Ekklesia, for the bride is making herself ready. Rev. 19:7; Ps 45
- The Global Watch is an active Ekklesia committed to standing with Israel and building community across the nations. Isaiah 62:6-7; 52:8..
- Building the Watch can hasten the day. 2 Peter 3:12, Isaiah 62:6-7; 52:8. Count von Zinzendorf is noted as saying, "There is no Christianity without community." As times intensify, building the ramparts, communities of trust, and connecting from local to global with Israel, is part of God's end-time plan.
- Warring from the place of rest and trust in the Lord is a new and powerful tool not to be entered into lightly, but with intentionality and focus (ex. Daniel in the lion's den; David and Goliath). Jeremiah 17:7-8; John 14:1, 27.
- The joy of the Lord is our strength and will be a light to the people in days of increasing darkness. Jeremiah 17:7-8
- As judgments are released, do not relent or give in to the enemy's strategy to discourage. Be strong and of good courage...God is releasing the plumb line and it will bring forth righteousness. Isaiah 26:9; 62:607; John 14:1, 27.
- Engaging in Shabbat is vital for the coming season. Shabbat aligns us with Him. Jeremiah explains this well, Jeremiah 17:19-27. It is not just an Old Testament practice, but also in the New Testament. God practiced it, Genesis 2:2. Jesus practiced it emphasizing its life-giving nature to the Sadducees and Pharisees, Matthew 12:1-8.
- None of this can be carried out with the pointing of the finger (Isaiah 58:9), arrogance (Pro 11:2; 16:18), or spiritual superiority, but in deep humility wrought through marination in God's word, anointing in wisdom and revelation, and expressed in love towards others. 1 Cor 13; 1 John 4:17
Summit on YouTube

Prophetic Words:
KU: July 30th Saturday morning conversation with the Lord:
“I want you to enjoy being with the Nations. It may not look like much in the natural, but this is so important. My Spirit rests in the hearts of those who know Me and are surrendered. What is birthed here during this time will be carried to the Nations. Fires of revival will burst forth – for all who said ‘yes’ to Me will be counted as heroes of the Faith.
I’m preparing My Bride. I’m removing the dross, and when she is ready, she will be spotless. What the enemy has tried to do is for naught. All his best efforts are not enough. He is a defeated foe.”
I then asked the Lord if Satan knew he was defeated. The Lord responded:
“In his heart of hearts, yes. But remember who he is: the Father of Lies and the one who has become a LIE. What else will he do but fight fruitlessly?”
Later that same day in the afternoon:
I released my earlier conversation with the Lord where He said not to make light of this Summit nor to consider this spiritually insignificant based on the physical number/representation of people at the Summit. (Reference above) During the afternoon worship I had a vision of Herrnhut being established as a gateway, a portal to the Lord, and that there’s no power of the enemy that can ever withstand the Love of God and what He has created in this community. The motto that flashed in the Jesus Haas video presentation, “Many nations, One Voice” resounded in my spirit. I could see the voice of the Ekklesia rising and the people of God becoming all that the Lord has intended us to be – a spotless Bride. The Lord is saying: “I am preparing My Bride, and she is a force to be reckoned with. The enemy cannot stop her, no matter what he throws at her.” We will carry the glory of the King and be a lighthouse to the world.
August 1st Monday morning:
Regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict being a spiritual war – in a conversation with the Lord about the conflict, He led me to ask a different question: What is in the DNA of the Russian and Ukraine Ekklesia that would cause the enemy to try to divide the Russia/Ukraine “family” with conflict? Similarly, why did Satan raise up Hitler in an attempt to bring destruction to Israel? Is it because the German people have a destiny and a call to be a light and protector for Israel? The Lord was saying that we need to view these conflicts differently in the light of who His people are and the intended call/destiny of a nation. As a defeated foe, the one strategy Satan has is to attempt to thwart the Ekklesia from stepping into the fullness of Her call. Once she steps into the fullness, the stage is set for Jesus’ return.
The Lord had me read this word from my July 31st conversation with Him:
“For such a time as this, I have called the Nations together to be My Voice in the Earth as it is in Heaven. It’s the NOW TIME of My Bride. The world will see Her for who she truly is: My Perfect Match made ready through the shedding of My Blood and the washing of the Word. This is the ONE the enemy greatly fears: he cannot stop Her. She was born to trample over scorpions and snakes; to be the Light on the Hill drawing all men to Me. She rides the WIND of My Spirit, receiving His counsel, revelation, and direction. The enemy has no defense against My Bride – for she SEES Him as he truly is: a defeated foe, a LIE, and She is not in agreement with him. My Bride proclaims My ways. She models intimacy with Me, and she teaches others to do the same. She decrees and declares My word throughout all the land, and all creation responds to Her voice. Kingdoms rise and fall as she releases the decrees of Heaven. Demonic strongholds are dismantled, and the captives are set free.
So come up higher, My Perfect One, My Bride. You are the one I have longed for, and your TIME is NOW. I and My Spotless Bride are ONE.”
JG: The other morning on an early walk here in Herrnhutt, I was asking the Lord for further clarity on the exciting, world-impacting things He is doing our time here. Soon, I saw this very interesting answer, on the side of a paper grocery bag, which spoke wonderfully and simply to me. Herrnhutt, as we have heard several times, is about the “ hidden”’seed sprouting again, a sign of renewal, of resurrection life. For us today, I think we are priveleged to be participating in a “coming forth” of the sprout, from that modern expression of the seed. Pictured here, we see the green, life-bearing seed coming forth. But this sprout is also rooted in the world, and is in fact awakening life ( green) in the whole world as it comes forth…. a picture of the modern-day life being released.. again… from Herrnhut. As you see, all is this is supported and upheld by the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. Amen.
JF: Prophetic Vision: I saw 2 threeFold cords. I looked until the cords were entwined. Slowly, gently, unseen hands pulled the cords into a knot. A voice spoke "Iamvabout to tie the knot.” Then I remembered the scripture “there was no more sea” (Rev 21:1).
KU: July 30th Saturday morning conversation with the Lord:
“I want you to enjoy being with the Nations. It may not look like much in the natural, but this is so important. My Spirit rests in the hearts of those who know Me and are surrendered. What is birthed here during this time will be carried to the Nations. Fires of revival will burst forth – for all who said ‘yes’ to Me will be counted as heroes of the Faith.
I’m preparing My Bride. I’m removing the dross, and when she is ready, she will be spotless. What the enemy has tried to do is for naught. All his best efforts are not enough. He is a defeated foe.”
I then asked the Lord if Satan knew he was defeated. The Lord responded:
“In his heart of hearts, yes. But remember who he is: the Father of Lies and the one who has become a LIE. What else will he do but fight fruitlessly?”
Later that same day in the afternoon:
I released my earlier conversation with the Lord where He said not to make light of this Summit nor to consider this spiritually insignificant based on the physical number/representation of people at the Summit. (Reference above) During the afternoon worship I had a vision of Herrnhut being established as a gateway, a portal to the Lord, and that there’s no power of the enemy that can ever withstand the Love of God and what He has created in this community. The motto that flashed in the Jesus Haas video presentation, “Many nations, One Voice” resounded in my spirit. I could see the voice of the Ekklesia rising and the people of God becoming all that the Lord has intended us to be – a spotless Bride. The Lord is saying: “I am preparing My Bride, and she is a force to be reckoned with. The enemy cannot stop her, no matter what he throws at her.” We will carry the glory of the King and be a lighthouse to the world.
August 1st Monday morning:
Regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict being a spiritual war – in a conversation with the Lord about the conflict, He led me to ask a different question: What is in the DNA of the Russian and Ukraine Ekklesia that would cause the enemy to try to divide the Russia/Ukraine “family” with conflict? Similarly, why did Satan raise up Hitler in an attempt to bring destruction to Israel? Is it because the German people have a destiny and a call to be a light and protector for Israel? The Lord was saying that we need to view these conflicts differently in the light of who His people are and the intended call/destiny of a nation. As a defeated foe, the one strategy Satan has is to attempt to thwart the Ekklesia from stepping into the fullness of Her call. Once she steps into the fullness, the stage is set for Jesus’ return.
The Lord had me read this word from my July 31st conversation with Him:
“For such a time as this, I have called the Nations together to be My Voice in the Earth as it is in Heaven. It’s the NOW TIME of My Bride. The world will see Her for who she truly is: My Perfect Match made ready through the shedding of My Blood and the washing of the Word. This is the ONE the enemy greatly fears: he cannot stop Her. She was born to trample over scorpions and snakes; to be the Light on the Hill drawing all men to Me. She rides the WIND of My Spirit, receiving His counsel, revelation, and direction. The enemy has no defense against My Bride – for she SEES Him as he truly is: a defeated foe, a LIE, and She is not in agreement with him. My Bride proclaims My ways. She models intimacy with Me, and she teaches others to do the same. She decrees and declares My word throughout all the land, and all creation responds to Her voice. Kingdoms rise and fall as she releases the decrees of Heaven. Demonic strongholds are dismantled, and the captives are set free.
So come up higher, My Perfect One, My Bride. You are the one I have longed for, and your TIME is NOW. I and My Spotless Bride are ONE.”
JG: The other morning on an early walk here in Herrnhutt, I was asking the Lord for further clarity on the exciting, world-impacting things He is doing our time here. Soon, I saw this very interesting answer, on the side of a paper grocery bag, which spoke wonderfully and simply to me. Herrnhutt, as we have heard several times, is about the “ hidden”’seed sprouting again, a sign of renewal, of resurrection life. For us today, I think we are priveleged to be participating in a “coming forth” of the sprout, from that modern expression of the seed. Pictured here, we see the green, life-bearing seed coming forth. But this sprout is also rooted in the world, and is in fact awakening life ( green) in the whole world as it comes forth…. a picture of the modern-day life being released.. again… from Herrnhut. As you see, all is this is supported and upheld by the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. Amen.
JF: Prophetic Vision: I saw 2 threeFold cords. I looked until the cords were entwined. Slowly, gently, unseen hands pulled the cords into a knot. A voice spoke "Iamvabout to tie the knot.” Then I remembered the scripture “there was no more sea” (Rev 21:1).