Resources Medical Facts and Information
International Watchmen Call, 7 September 2020: COVID 19 for Informed Intercession 56:18 min
Spread of virus: Map and active current updates of statistics and spread
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Practical Prevention
*Ask people to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds (as long as it takes to say the Lord’s prayer) and carry a small hand-held dispenser around with them.
*Keep a distance of at least 1 m for five minutes or 2 m for 10 minutes from anyone who may be infected or has been in an infected area.
*In affected or "at risk" areas wear masks
*Stay healthy, get rest.
1) "Coronaviruses: How long can they survive on surfaces," Medical News Today,
2) G. Kampf, D. Todt. S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann; "Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents," Journal of Hospital Infection, March 2020, Vol 104, Issue 3; Pg 246-251.