Spirit of Elijah: Watchmen Summons
For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? 1 Cor 14:8
And it shall be, when you hear a sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall go out to battle,
for God has gone out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines. 1 Ch 15:15
What time is it? How would you describe the times we are in presently? The best definition is time for "Divine Intervention." Fresh from the "Spirit of Elijah" Summit and Journey and seeing the issues in the land front and center, we are releasing this summons to rise and build the ramparts of prayer across the nations. The Isaiah 62 call to fast and pray is accentuating this focus. Thanking those who have been diligently participating, but now calling those who have been on the sidelines to engage. It is time to lock shields and shore up the ranks. We are in a preparation time for a "Divine Intervention." The Spirit of Elijah is moving to breahte fresh life and new vigor into tired and weary bones. Elijah was a watchman sent to Israel as an example of an individual, corporate, and end-time call of the watchman.
Ways to engage with the Watch and the "Spirit of Elijah":
It is time to build!
We agree with this Summons!
Fred and Sue Rowe
Founders the Global Watch
Endorsed by:
Amy Winchester, Zoom Hosts
Cinthya Ortiz, South American Watch, Global Watch Council
Colin Brown, Australian Watch
Jan Stephenson, ANZAC watch
Jenny Hagger, Australian Watch, Global Watch Council
Jessica Cheng: Hong Kong/China Watch
Johannes/Kornelia Blum: German Watch
Kim Ulmer, USA Watch, Global Watch Council
Karen Sand, Scandinavian Watch
Karen Lynch, Israel Watch
Hannah Corser, Canada Watch, Global Watch Council
Margaret Grech, Malta Watch
Mary Faus, Indigenous Watch, Global Watch Council
Nkem Okemiri, African Watch, Global Watch Council
Ros Curry, Myanmar Watch
Sheldon Kidwell, Restoration Force, and Global Watch Council
Shirley Momberg, Zoom Hosts, Global Watch Council
Shirley Zemko, Zoom Hosts
Susie Kothari, Tech Watch, Pray for Tech, Global Watch Council
Ulrike Novakova: Shabbat & German Watch
Vic & Diane Whittaker: Zoom Hosts, Turkey Watch
Ways to engage with the Watch and the "Spirit of Elijah":
- Participate in calls 6am and 3pm JT M-F Elijah appeared on the scene out of nowhere (1 Kings 17:1) at a critical time in Israel's history when prophets were being killed and kings were ruling in an unprecedentedly unbiblical manner (Omri 1 Kings 16:25; Ahab 1 Kings 16:33). Jesus chose 12 unknown men at a time when there had been 400 years of silence on the earth. God is calling forth the unknowns now to rise and build. (We do not expect people to be on every call, but disciplining your life to engage once or twice a week builds spiritual muscle that will reap rewards). These are biblical and strategic times to pray.
- When God chooses to change the course of a nation(s) and history, He will raise up watchmen. Biblical examples:
- Uprising of Absalom (2 Samuel 18:24)
- Overthrow of Jezebel (2 Kings 9:17-20)
- Saving the last seed of David for the coming Messiah, (2 Kings 11)
- Jesus' last exhortation "Watch and pray for you do not know when the time is." Mark 13:33; Mt. 24:26-44; Luke 21:34-36
- Zoom link is always the same (unless we change it out of necessity) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81382800906?pwd=dnpodEFjRXVDMnU0MGdISmN6ZkVCZz09
- For schedule check online. (Also available on the Global Watch App. Available through Android (Google Apps) or Apple (Apple App Store).
- When God chooses to change the course of a nation(s) and history, He will raise up watchmen. Biblical examples:
- Develop your personal prayer and study time to sensitize your spirit to hearing the voice of the Lord. Elijah was a watchman who "heard the voice of the Lord," (1 Kings 17:1, 2, 8, 22; 18:1; 19:11; 21:17). Distractions are a huge tactic of the enemy to get us off track and away from hearing God's voice.
- Build up your local community. Elijah was engaged with the prophets at Gilgal and Jericho (2 Kings 2:5, 15) and mentoring the younger generation with Elisha.
- With the rising adversity against Israel, this is a time to lock shields and reach out to friends and those who would participate in the Watch.
- Have those interested sign up online to participate. Joining online opens communication and helps us connect and build the community.
- Educate yourself in the end-times: Elijah was a figure that God is used to reflect the end-time narrative, Malach 4:5-6. This scripture is playing out now as the generations carry the baton of ministry together, strengthening one another. This camaraderie is unique to the generations now emerging. Look for and build relationships between the generations.
- Participate in the "Journey" Watchmen discipleship. These sessions are the first watch of the week, Mondays 6am JT and a unique time to connect generations.
It is time to build!
We agree with this Summons!
Fred and Sue Rowe
Founders the Global Watch
Endorsed by:
Amy Winchester, Zoom Hosts
Cinthya Ortiz, South American Watch, Global Watch Council
Colin Brown, Australian Watch
Jan Stephenson, ANZAC watch
Jenny Hagger, Australian Watch, Global Watch Council
Jessica Cheng: Hong Kong/China Watch
Johannes/Kornelia Blum: German Watch
Kim Ulmer, USA Watch, Global Watch Council
Karen Sand, Scandinavian Watch
Karen Lynch, Israel Watch
Hannah Corser, Canada Watch, Global Watch Council
Margaret Grech, Malta Watch
Mary Faus, Indigenous Watch, Global Watch Council
Nkem Okemiri, African Watch, Global Watch Council
Ros Curry, Myanmar Watch
Sheldon Kidwell, Restoration Force, and Global Watch Council
Shirley Momberg, Zoom Hosts, Global Watch Council
Shirley Zemko, Zoom Hosts
Susie Kothari, Tech Watch, Pray for Tech, Global Watch Council
Ulrike Novakova: Shabbat & German Watch
Vic & Diane Whittaker: Zoom Hosts, Turkey Watch
PROPHETIC WORDS from the Summit & Journey articulating this call.
MF/Indigenous Watch: Declaring “Moses, my servant is dead” Josh 1 on that Wednesday pm at Mt Carmel really came full circle for me as I was standing on Mt Nebo and realizing I was in ancient Moab. (In 2021, Holy Spirit said Go to Moab) my small brain was not comprehending MOAB in modern day Jordan. The following is what I am able to share now but I believe it will develop in further revelation:
A group of 40+ entered Jordan one way and came out another way, on foot crossing into the desert region of Israel at Gate 8 (new beginnings) At Gilgal, I looked into the distance where we stood on Mt Nebo. Nebo “Nebbi” means prophet & Pisgah means peak of Mountain “summit” I feel such a stirring in my spirit that there is a Summons, a call for face to face prophets just as Moses knew God face to face - an intimate relationship with YahWeh. There is a call to ascend and to not settle for current day no matter how successful, content or advanced we may be. Just as John the revelator heard “Come up here and I will show you what is to come!” Our prophecies/words and declarations must be plumb with what we hear HIM say and what HE shows us.
At Mt of Olives, Holy Spirit was talking to me about Ethnos and Ethos - I thought one was plural of the other. He was highlighting Character. C’mon, we must take the reins of our being and bring it into plumbline order of the Mighty ONE of Jacob. I love you all. Amen.
KU/USA Watch: This amazing journey underscores the urgency to pray for Israel, the Messianic believers, and the Arab Christians alike. The spiritual atmosphere between Caesarea Philippi and Petra stood in stark contrast. Caesarea Philippi, which I remember being a very dark place spiritually, was seemingly mild during this visit. From my perspective, this is a testimony to all of the prayer teams the Lord has sent over the years to take ground and rededicate the land back to Him. This was my second visit to Petra, the first being decades ago. I do not remember it being this spiritually dark the first time which says to me that the people of God have been mostly absent from this land while the occult has stepped up their game. In the spirit, I could hear the ruling principalities over Petra screaming in an angry and alarmed voice, “What are you doing here?!” I’m glad our team put “boots on the ground” here and performed a prophetic act. Petra is highlighted to me as needing more teams to be sent in the days ahead.
HC/Canada Watch: The Journey is just beginning. Lest you believe the baby is delivered, he remains in the womb of Israel, and like John tucked into Elizabeth's womb, he has discerned the voice of The King. So he leaps; yet is not delivered. The task is Not completed, but only beginning. The nation is heading to Gilgal and pain and weakness and circumcision of heart. And Abba does not want her going alone. It is true that many paths and errands have met. Celebrate the convergence. But steward the relationships. We are at war. The battles intensify. On my last night in the land, I went into travail. It has not stopped. The river surges now into gathering up many global streams. Do Not number the troops. I always work with a remnant. Character trumps both mantles and anointing. I will have a fit Bride for my Son. Let me assure you. Strategies shift now, as do weapons of warfare. The Glory will be costly. Are you with me?
"The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet
And wither then?.......
For more prophetic words/insights from those on the ground for the "Spirit of Elijah" Summit and Journey click here
MF/Indigenous Watch: Declaring “Moses, my servant is dead” Josh 1 on that Wednesday pm at Mt Carmel really came full circle for me as I was standing on Mt Nebo and realizing I was in ancient Moab. (In 2021, Holy Spirit said Go to Moab) my small brain was not comprehending MOAB in modern day Jordan. The following is what I am able to share now but I believe it will develop in further revelation:
A group of 40+ entered Jordan one way and came out another way, on foot crossing into the desert region of Israel at Gate 8 (new beginnings) At Gilgal, I looked into the distance where we stood on Mt Nebo. Nebo “Nebbi” means prophet & Pisgah means peak of Mountain “summit” I feel such a stirring in my spirit that there is a Summons, a call for face to face prophets just as Moses knew God face to face - an intimate relationship with YahWeh. There is a call to ascend and to not settle for current day no matter how successful, content or advanced we may be. Just as John the revelator heard “Come up here and I will show you what is to come!” Our prophecies/words and declarations must be plumb with what we hear HIM say and what HE shows us.
At Mt of Olives, Holy Spirit was talking to me about Ethnos and Ethos - I thought one was plural of the other. He was highlighting Character. C’mon, we must take the reins of our being and bring it into plumbline order of the Mighty ONE of Jacob. I love you all. Amen.
KU/USA Watch: This amazing journey underscores the urgency to pray for Israel, the Messianic believers, and the Arab Christians alike. The spiritual atmosphere between Caesarea Philippi and Petra stood in stark contrast. Caesarea Philippi, which I remember being a very dark place spiritually, was seemingly mild during this visit. From my perspective, this is a testimony to all of the prayer teams the Lord has sent over the years to take ground and rededicate the land back to Him. This was my second visit to Petra, the first being decades ago. I do not remember it being this spiritually dark the first time which says to me that the people of God have been mostly absent from this land while the occult has stepped up their game. In the spirit, I could hear the ruling principalities over Petra screaming in an angry and alarmed voice, “What are you doing here?!” I’m glad our team put “boots on the ground” here and performed a prophetic act. Petra is highlighted to me as needing more teams to be sent in the days ahead.
- Prophetic word from the Lord given during the Summit (Apr 21st): “Today a SOUND was released throughout all of Israel. A clarion call to the firstborn to take their place on the wall. Today, you heard the sound of the BREATH being blown…the sound of dry bones living again. This was more than just encouraging the remnant in the land…this was a lift-off, a rushing wind beneath their wings. What you saw transpire is the VOICE of My people rising up and becoming ONE…gentile and jew, male and female, young and old, the voice of the Nations and the voice of the generations singing My Song.”
HC/Canada Watch: The Journey is just beginning. Lest you believe the baby is delivered, he remains in the womb of Israel, and like John tucked into Elizabeth's womb, he has discerned the voice of The King. So he leaps; yet is not delivered. The task is Not completed, but only beginning. The nation is heading to Gilgal and pain and weakness and circumcision of heart. And Abba does not want her going alone. It is true that many paths and errands have met. Celebrate the convergence. But steward the relationships. We are at war. The battles intensify. On my last night in the land, I went into travail. It has not stopped. The river surges now into gathering up many global streams. Do Not number the troops. I always work with a remnant. Character trumps both mantles and anointing. I will have a fit Bride for my Son. Let me assure you. Strategies shift now, as do weapons of warfare. The Glory will be costly. Are you with me?
"The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet
And wither then?.......
For more prophetic words/insights from those on the ground for the "Spirit of Elijah" Summit and Journey click here