International Watchmen Strategy Summit
29 July-5 August 2022
Your watchmen shall lift up their voices, with their voices they shall sing together;
For they shall see eye to eye when the LORD brings back Zion.
Isaiah 52:8
For they shall see eye to eye when the LORD brings back Zion.
Isaiah 52:8
With nations in tumult, and coming out of a pandemic that has separated us on the wall, we invite you to participate in a re-convening of the International Watchmen Summit in Herrnhut, Germany, 29 July-5 August 2022. As restrictions have eased, this will be a significant time to strategize, and strengthen the call to Watch.
With the advent of the war in Russia/Ukraine, we believe we are on the edge of a great spiritual awakening. The seeds of revival are readying to burst out of the shells that have held them back. At the Summit this year, we will be contending for the awakening that has been prophesied and is now knocking at the door of the Church. With a focus "Ekklesia and the End-times," fuel to ignite the fire of the revival culture of Herrnhut will be released to the nations. See Hudson Taylor's prophecy below: FOCUS: "Ekklesia and the End-times"
DATES: 29 July-5 August 2022 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 1, 2022; Registration covers meals for the week WHERE:
Hudson Taylor Prophecy from 1883: “Hudson Taylor, famous British missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission, had an amazing vision in 1889 of a great national spiritual awakening in Russia that will touch Europe before Christ’s return. These are his words: “I saw in this vision a great war that encompasses the world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars [WWI & WWII]. After this, I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings. In Russia, I saw there will come a general all-encompassing, national spiritual awakening, so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw the awakening spread to many European countries. Then I saw an all-out awakening, followed by the second coming of Christ.” (for reference click here) This Summit will be a time to re-connect, worship, pray, in a Presence-centered convening to build bridges between nations to prepare us for the times ahead. We invite your prayerful participation. Registration link is below. On behalf of the Global Watch Family, Fred and Sue Rowe See Previous Herrnhut Summit Reports We are trying to keep costs down for attendees but have an overhead of $5000 for rentals, transportation, and expenses for guest speakers. If you can't come, this is a great way to sow into the gathering and reap the benefits.
At present we are full for room and board, but you can still register for the summit. Please use the link below to register. There is a registration fee of 50 Euros to cover costs |