"Rend the Heavens and Come Down!"
2-22 January 2022
Welcoming 2022
An Isaiah 64 Global Call for Prayer and Worship
Week 1: Repentance and Revival
Week 2: The Global Harvest
Week 3: The End-times
Welcoming 2022
An Isaiah 64 Global Call for Prayer and Worship
Week 1: Repentance and Revival
Week 2: The Global Harvest
Week 3: The End-times
As 2022 opens before us, we welcome and invite you to join the international watchmen community to join in worship and prayer over the nations. This call will be a time of envisioning and strengthening the body of Christ for the coming year. Much of what is before us is relayed in Isaiah 64. As times intensify, increasingly our cry resonates with Isaiah's words, "Oh that you would Rend the Heavens and come down!" Isaiah 64:1. 2022 is marching out to be a challenging year. The war in the heavenlies will rage. Much of Isaiah 64 parallels the times today. In fact, similar scriptures to "Rend the Heavens and come down" show up in key governmental shifts and times of judgment.
DON'T MISS THIS! The three weeks will be preceded by "GLO 2021" 24 hours of worship mobilized by IHOPKC, December 31, 2021-January 1st 2022.
Isaiah 64 themes
For full schedule click here
We will be holding twice daily sessions coinciding with 6am (break of dawn) and 3pm (evening sacrifice) IST, Jerusalem time. (That coincides with 8pm and 5am PT Sunday eve-Friday am). The sessions will also include an International Shabbat at 5pm on Fridays, IST; 7am PT, 9am CT.
*Israel Standard Time
- Psalm 18:9 - A Psalm of David when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and the hand of Saul, "He bowed the heavens also, and came down with darkness under His feet."
- Psalm 144:5 - A Psalm of David when God preserved and prospered His people, "Bow down Your heavens, O Lord, and come down."
- Micah 1:3 - God comes as a judge to restore righteousness, "For behold, the Lord is coming out of His place; He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth."
- Habakkuk 3:12-13 - God comes as judge ultimately for salvation of His people, "You marched through the land in indignation; You trampled the nations in anger. You went forth for the salvation of Your people, for salvation with Your Anointed."
DON'T MISS THIS! The three weeks will be preceded by "GLO 2021" 24 hours of worship mobilized by IHOPKC, December 31, 2021-January 1st 2022.
Isaiah 64 themes
- Week 1: Fullness of the Gentile Church - January 3-7 IST* (January 2-7 N. America), Guest speakers from the Indigenous Watch, Dean Briggs (IHOPKC), Reuven Berger (Israel), Pastor Greg Simas (Convergence HOP), Jenny Hagger (Australia HOP for all Nations), Sheldon Kidwell (South Africa)
- Repentance and a return to the fear of the Lord (v. 6,7)
- Revival (v.1)
- Restoration (v.8)
- Week 2: The global harvest (v.4, 5) - January 10-14 (January 9-14 N. America). Guest speakers from Africa, Iraq, Iran, Israel, India, Korea
- Week 3: The end-times (v.2, 10-12) - January 17-22 (January 16-22 N. America). Guest speakers include: David Slikker (Author "The Nations Rage"), Rick Ridings, Succat Hallel, Jerusalem, Special Shabbat session Friday, January 21 5pm JT with Israel and Mid-east nations together.
For full schedule click here
We will be holding twice daily sessions coinciding with 6am (break of dawn) and 3pm (evening sacrifice) IST, Jerusalem time. (That coincides with 8pm and 5am PT Sunday eve-Friday am). The sessions will also include an International Shabbat at 5pm on Fridays, IST; 7am PT, 9am CT.
*Israel Standard Time
We invite you to join this effort in locking shields across the nations! Please register online so we can communicate and build the necessary bridges across the nations.

Why Isaiah 64?
On October 14, we did a recording from our church for the IHOPKC 24 hr New Year's worship set they will be releasing on December 31st. While we were in the middle of the recording (about 7:45 pm PT), one of the team members felt something "crack." The Presence of God dropped very strongly and several began to weep. It was a palpable "God drop." At the same time, we found out later, there was a 6.4 earthquake in the Solomon Islands, (October 15th 1:45 pm Solomon Island time) The Solomon Islands will be the first to launch the 24 hours "Global Upper Room" on New Years. Being in CA, we will be one of the last as they travel across the nations for the New Year's 24 hour call to worship. The two book-ends for this New Year's expression connected!
Needless to say, the incident grabbed our attention as what we experienced was palpable! In seeking the Lord about this, He prompted us to look at Isaiah 64. Isaiah 64:1 declares, "Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!" Coincidence, maybe, but the message of Isaiah 64 is uncanny and reflective of the times and is a prophetic picture of what is ahead.
On October 14, we did a recording from our church for the IHOPKC 24 hr New Year's worship set they will be releasing on December 31st. While we were in the middle of the recording (about 7:45 pm PT), one of the team members felt something "crack." The Presence of God dropped very strongly and several began to weep. It was a palpable "God drop." At the same time, we found out later, there was a 6.4 earthquake in the Solomon Islands, (October 15th 1:45 pm Solomon Island time) The Solomon Islands will be the first to launch the 24 hours "Global Upper Room" on New Years. Being in CA, we will be one of the last as they travel across the nations for the New Year's 24 hour call to worship. The two book-ends for this New Year's expression connected!
Needless to say, the incident grabbed our attention as what we experienced was palpable! In seeking the Lord about this, He prompted us to look at Isaiah 64. Isaiah 64:1 declares, "Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!" Coincidence, maybe, but the message of Isaiah 64 is uncanny and reflective of the times and is a prophetic picture of what is ahead.